Albert in Czech Republic
Every month, Guido Jacobs and Pepijn van der Heijden of Export Partner write columns in the magazine ‘Foodpersonality.‘ This magazine is a platform by and for people working in the supermarket sector or connected to it as suppliers. Guido and Pepijn alternate as columnists on exciting and relevant topics in the supermarket sector. They tell their stories and give their views on ‘exporting Dutch food products.’
This month, Pepijn van der Heijden wrote a column about supermarket giant ‘Albert’ in Prague, Czech Republic. Albert is the most prominent formula in the country after Lidl and Kaufland, with 90 hypermarkets and 240 supermarkets. Pepijn takes you through his experience in approaching and setting up a partnership with Albert in the Czech Republic.
Read the entire column here.
Wondering how Pepijn will approach this? Feel free to contact [email protected] or +31 30 – 293 64 75.